Keeping Kids Calm During a Move: Fun Activities and Tips

Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure for adults, but for children, it can be a whirlwind of emotions. Leaving behind familiar surroundings, friends, and routines can be a source of anxiety and sadness. As parents, it’s our job to navigate this transition smoothly and ensure our little ones feel secure and supported throughout the process. Here at Safebound Moving & Storage, we understand the challenges families face during relocations. That’s why we’ve compiled a treasure trove of tips and fun activities to keep your kids calm and engaged during your move.


Understanding Your Child’s Concerns

Before diving into activities, it’s crucial to address your child’s worries head-on. Open communication is key. Here are some tips:

  • Initiate the conversation: Talk to your child about the move well in advance, not just a few days before. Explain the reasons for the move in an age-appropriate way.
  • Acknowledge their feelings: Let your child know it’s okay to feel sad or scared about leaving their friends and familiar surroundings.
  • Focus on the positive: Highlight the exciting aspects of the new home – a bigger backyard, a room of their own, or being closer to family.
  • Answer their questions honestly: Be patient and address any questions they may have about the move.


Activities for Every Age:

Now, let’s get to the fun part! Here are some engaging activities to keep your kids occupied and excited throughout the packing and moving process:


Preschoolers (Ages 3-5):

  • Pack a “Memory Box”: Help your child create a special box to store cherished toys and keepsakes from their old home. Decorate the box together and let them choose the items they want to keep close.
  • Packing Playtime: Turn packing into a game! Let your little one “pack” their favorite stuffed animals or dolls. Encourage them to sing songs or tell stories about their “adventures” in the boxes.
  • “Goodbye” Tour: Take a walk around your neighborhood and revisit your child’s favorite places – the park, the bakery, their friend’s house. Encourage them to say “goodbye” and share happy memories.
  • Draw a New Home Picture: Give your child some paper and crayons and ask them to draw their dream home. Talk to them about their hopes and expectations for the new place.


School-Aged Children (Ages 6-10):

  • Declutter Party: Make packing a collaborative effort. Organize a “declutter party” where everyone goes through their belongings and decides what to keep, donate, or sell. This can be a great way to teach your child about letting go and the value of minimalism.
  • Create a Moving Timeline: Involve your child in the moving process by creating a visual timeline. Use pictures, stickers, or drawings to illustrate the different stages of the move, from packing to settling into the new home.
  • “Treasure Hunt” Packing: Turn packing into an exciting adventure. Hide small toys or treats in boxes and create a treasure map for your child to find them.
  • Write Farewell Letters: If your child is leaving behind close friends, encourage them to write farewell letters or draw pictures. This can be a nice way for them to express their feelings and stay connected.


Teenagers (Ages 11 and Up):

  • Packing Power Hour: Teens can be a great help with packing. Offer them incentives like extra screen time or a small reward for each completed box.
  • Create a “New Home Bucket List”: Encourage your teenager to research the new area and create a bucket list of places they want to visit, restaurants to try, or activities to do.
  • Help Plan Decorations for Their New Room: Let your teenager participate in planning the layout and decoration of their new room. This can help them feel more excited and in control of their new space.
  • Host a Virtual Farewell Party: Technology can help bridge the gap during a move. Encourage your teenager to host a virtual farewell party with friends over video chat.


Additional Tips for a Smooth Move:

  • Involve your child in the packing process: Let your child pack some of their belongings themselves. This gives them a sense of ownership and control.
  • Create a “Moving Day Survival Kit”: Pack a separate bag with essential items for your child on moving day. This could include snacks, books, coloring supplies, and their favorite stuffed animal.
  • Maintain routines as much as possible: Even amidst the chaos of moving, try to stick to your child’s usual bedtime routine and mealtimes. This can provide a sense of normalcy and comfort during a stressful time.
  • Plan a “Welcome Home” Celebration: Once you’ve settled into your new home, plan a fun activity or small celebration to mark the occasion. This could be a pizza party, a movie night, or a trip to explore your new neighborhood.


Remember, Patience is Key:

Moving with children requires a healthy dose of patience and understanding. There will likely be bumps along the road, meltdowns, and moments of frustration. Here are some additional tips to help you navigate these challenges:

  • Validate their feelings: Let your child know that their emotions are valid. Avoid dismissing their sadness or anger as “silly” or “unimportant.”
  • Be present and available: Make time to listen to your child’s concerns and offer emotional support.
  • Focus on quality time: Amidst the chaos of packing and moving, set aside some dedicated time to simply be with your child. Read a book together, play a game, or cuddle on the couch.
  • Lead by example: Children are great at picking up on our emotions. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude throughout the move.


Moving with children can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By employing open communication, engaging activities, and a healthy dose of patience, you can ensure a smooth transition for your entire family. At Safebound Moving & Storage, we’re committed to making your move as stress-free as possible. Contact us today for a free quote and let us help your family embark on your next exciting adventure!


Bonus Tip:

Consider creating a “Moving Day Playlist” together. Music can be a powerful tool to uplift moods and create a sense of fun and excitement during the packing process.