This comprehensive guide to hiring long-distance movers is essential for your next cross-state or cross-country move. When you make a move this drastic, you want to be sure your belongings are in safe hands. You don’t want to trust just anyone with relocating your entire life. You want trusted experts with years of experience. You want the quality assurance and efficiency you’ll find at Safebound Moving & Storage. Keep reading this in-depth guide to hiring long-distance movers to ensure a smooth relocation.

Our comprehensive guide will answer all of your questions about moving long-distance.

Experts vs. DIY

If you’ve ever moved before, you already know how tedious and taxing the process can be. Even the smallest moves — from parents’ house to college dorm — can be full of headaches and hassle. Or, perhaps you helped move your friend into a new apartment. Sure, the day might have been full of laughs, but we can almost guarantee you were aching, sore, and exhausted the night and the next day. We also hope you didn’t break anything while moving down the stairs. We definitely hope you loaded the U-Haul properly so nothing fell and broke while driving. You get the point. Moving by yourself or with a group of friends is not the most pleasurable experience. It’s a long day full of hard work and perils at every corner.

Moving professionals do this kind of stuff for a living. Their livelihood literally depends on the safety of the items they move. They know what they’re doing and they’re good at it. Even better, they’re pretty fast. When you hire a professional long-distance moving company, you hire a team of consultants and movers who make sure you’re cared for during every step of the move. Moves over 100 miles aren’t meant to be taken lightly, so leave the heavy lifting (figuratively and literally) up to the professionals.

Moving Long-Distance In & Out of South Florida

Moving anywhere in Florida means dealing with everything Florida has to offer. Of course, we’re mostly talking about the weather. During the peak moving season, temperatures hang around the 80s and 90s with a healthy dose of humidity. The sun isn’t anything to mess around with. We can also get torrential downpours seemingly out of nowhere. Those storms are immediately followed by the sun like they never even happened.

Our experienced long-distance movers know how to work in the heat and unpredictable weather. There isn’t a situation they haven’t encountered or don’t know how to handle. All of our trucks come fully equipped so our movers can keep your belongings and house clean and dry through the most unpredictable weather patterns South Florida has to offer.

Timing & Cost

The best time of the year to move is summer. There’s no doubt about it. And there are plenty of reasons. First, the warm weather means no snow or ice to worry about while driving a truck full of your valuables. Loading and unloading is also a much smoother process in warmer temperatures. Longer days mean more time to get everything from one place to another. Kids are out of school, so their studies won’t be interrupted. College students are moving into and out of housing in May and August. Lastly, fall and winter are full of holidays people spend with families. As you can see, the vast majority of people move in summer for several reasons.

Now, just because everyone is moving in summer doesn’t always mean you should, too. Because summer is when most people make their move, moving companies are by far busiest in those months. If you want to move in the summer, we recommend scheduling your move several weeks in advance — at least four in the summer months. Due to high demand, moving companies might not be able to accommodate your preferred schedule. There’s a much better chance of moving on your desired dates if you lock in your move far in advance.

It’s not a bad idea to move in the fall or winter months. Of course, if you’re moving to an area heavily affected by snow and ice, you’ll want to take the timing into extra consideration. However, moving in the fall or winter months means more flexibility for your moving date and lower costs due to less demand.

Long Distance Residential Moves

Your house is one of the most intimate aspects of your life. You don’t let just anyone into your home, so why would you let just anyone move you into your new home? Residential movers specialize in all sorts of housing relocation. Whether you’re moving from an apartment into a townhouse, the suburbs to an estate, or a trailer into an assisted living facility, a professional long-distance moving company will make your move stress-free.

There isn’t a universal technique for moving people in and out of their homes. Every home has its own demands movers must account for. Likewise, every family has its own set of moving needs. No two jobs are ever the same, especially for a cross-state or cross-country move. That’s why you want a trusted moving company that will take the time to come up with a specific, detailed plan to get you and your family to the new house. Don’t settle for anyone. Take the time to be sure the company truly is on your side. You certainly want to make sure they’re licensed.

On moving day, our reliable movers will assess your house for the best way to get everything out. Then, they’ll take care to properly wrap, package, and move everything into the truck(s). Our licensed drivers will navigate the roadway, no matter how far, to be sure your belongings get to their final destination safely. All of our trucks are GPS-monitored, so you can always know where your belongings are. Once they arrive, our movers will unload, unpackage, and place everything wherever you’d like in your new home.

This long-distance moving guide makes everything seem easy, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is. When you hire a reputable long-distance moving company, all of your questions are answered and all of your moving problems become simple solutions. Don’t risk getting caught at the last minute with some unforeseen circumstance that puts your move on pause. Take care to go through a trusted long-distance moving company to make sure your move goes smoothly. Call us today or contact us for a free quote!

Long Distance Commercial Moves

If you’ve got a business you’re looking to move across the state, a couple of cities over, or across the entire country, our safe commercial movers will be sure to get your business there quickly and easily. Keep reading this moving guide to learn how to make your long-distance commercial move as painless as possible.

You want to enlist someone to take a comprehensive inventory of everything going to the new location and everything that will be staying behind. You don’t want to risk leaving anything important behind and you never know what might come from the stuff you want to leave behind. You could offer to give it away to employees, sell it online, or create a new purpose for it. For everything that’s moving, this list will be invaluable to you and the movers. First, it’ll give you a complete inventory of everything physical within your office space. Second, it’ll tell the movers exactly what kind of services your move requires.

Remember, no two moving jobs are alike and that is especially true of commercial moves. So whether you’ve got a small business that you’re moving from a home office into a commercial suite or a large company that’s moving to a more profitable location, you want your business in the care of a trusted long-distance commercial mover.

Finally, you want to be sure your staff is all on the same page. You don’t want any of your employees trying to do any heavy lifting only to injure themselves or someone else or damage company property. All your employees need to worry about is what’s on their desks. They can take care of the small things while we take care of the big things.

Storage & Decluttering

A long-distance move usually means a significant lifestyle change. You should use this as an opportunity to declutter your life. Go through your things — you’re doing that anyway as you pack. Make the conscious decision to get rid of anything that doesn’t benefit you anymore. We often don’t realize just how much stuff we’ve accumulated over the years. More often than not, we have much more than we actually use daily, weekly, or even monthly. Use this time in your life to free yourself from all of the meaningless possessions you have no use for. Not only will this free you up mentally, but it’ll decrease the final cost of your move because you’ll have less junk to move. Consider having a yard sale. You never know who might have a practical use for otherwise useless stuff.

If you aren’t quite ready to get rid of some things but can’t take them with you, storage options are an excellent solution for you. At Safebound Moving & Storage, we offer short and long-term storage solutions. Our warehouse is climate-controlled and monitored by high-definition CCTVs. We also have 24-hour security personnel. So if you choose to store some items, we guarantee that they’ll be safe under our care.

Auto Transport

Moving across the state or the country means your vehicles have to come with you. If you aren’t driving them yourself, it’s easy to get lost in the headache of auto transport. Make no mistake about it. Auto transport isn’t a walk in the park. There is a ton of paperwork, documentation, and regulations to be mindful of. That’s why we highly recommend you turn to a trusted auto transport company to walk you through the process. We highly suggest you don’t attempt to go through this process by yourself. Enlist the experts.

Protection & Valuation

One question that might still be at the forefront of your mind after reading our comprehensive long-distance moving guide: “What happens if my stuff gets broken or damaged?”

All moving companies are required by law to provide Released Value Protection and Full Value Protection. The base cost of your move includes Released Value Protection, so you won’t have to worry about any additional cost. However, the company is only liable for up to 60 cents per pound on each item. Companies offer Full Value Protection at an additional cost. With this second protection option, the moving company is liable to either replace, repair, or offer a cash settlement for the broken, destroyed, or lost item.

Remember, valuation is not the same as insurance. If you are interested in purchasing moving insurance, speak with your insurance provider.

Thanks for Reading Our Long-Distance Moving Guide

You’ve decided to move! It’s an exciting and uncertain time. We hope this comprehensive guide to hiring long-distance movers helped. Trust us and remove some of the anxiety by hiring a trusted and professional long-distance moving company. Don’t make your move any harder than it already is on you and your family or your business. Take the guesswork out and put the experts in. Call us today or contact us for a free quote.